Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
New & Improved Past/Archived events
- This update brings significantly improved scrolling performance and search queries to the past events and archived events pages to help you find the event you are looking for even faster. Especially those teams with large qty of events.
- We've introduced a new tab on your team dashboard Past eventswhich will now only contain events that were automatically moved from upcoming events tab (which happens a week after the event end date)
- Archived eventswill now be more of a true archived / trashed approach.
Dynamic Browser Tab Names

We are now dynamically updating browser tab titles based on what page you are in:
- Team Dashboard will show {Team name}
- Event Dashboard will show {Event name}
- Rundown view will show {Show name}
Bug fixes
- Ipad users had issues scrolling in guest pass links
- Certain short keys weren't working properly on windows devices
- Display view had intermittent tracking issues
- Text formatting would revert back to unformatted state when editing a cell
- Intermittent remote prompter real time edits not saving
- Event logo not appearing on guest pass
- Issues accessing past events for teams with over really large previous event data sets.
🎉 Uppercase text formatting
What is it?
Alongside our existing text formatting options, you can now transform your text to uppercase as well as back to lowercase, both at the cell level and per character.
Video Overview
How does it work?
Convert cell:
- Select a cell.
- Click the new uppercase icon at the top of the page to convert the entire cell to uppercase.

Per character:
- Double-click on a cell.
- Highlight the content you want to convert to uppercase.
- Click the new uppercase icon to convert it.

Convert multiple cells in bulk:
- Select a cell.
- Press and hold Shift while clicking another cell, either above, below, or to the left or right, to select multiple cells in bulk (similar to Excel).
- Use the "Convert to Uppercase" icon in the top formatting bar to convert all cells to uppercase.
Bug fixes & clearer bulk delete modal
Exporting & Guest Pass
- Fixed bug within pdf export of guest pass being left aligned and font size being small
- fixed bug when event timezone was adjusted to be behind current time zone it caused guest pass dates to be off by 1 day.
- fixed bug where PDF export was missing header content
- fixed bug where word export not working if show contains acute accent
Other fixes:
- event admins showing up in the show caller tracking list.
- rundown settings modal not saving dates in real time.
🎉 New & Improved
We heard the feedback that our messaging when bulk deleting rows was unclear and could cause a user to unintentionally delete rows so we updated the content in the modal to make this clearer.
- added the quantity of rows being deleted in bold and included that number in the button
- updated delete button to red from blue

🎨 Fresh paint for signup & login pages
👋 You might have noticed this rolling out the past few weeks already. This release includes newly designed pages for the following:
- Signup
- Login
- Invited crew signup
- Forgot Password
In addition to design changes:
- We've also significantly decreased the amount of forms, clicks, and steps it takes to signup to get new users into Shoflo even faster ⚡️
- improved usability for password managers

🎉 New Prompter keyboard shortcuts
👋 This update introduces a variety of new keyboard shortcuts to our Prompter product, alongside an updated
contour shuttle configuration
.These updates were directly inspired by your feedback! As always, we deeply appreciate your ongoing input, requests, and ideas 🤝
40 new mappable speed presets (-20 to 20):
These additions will significantly expand the customization options for our contour shuttle integration, enabling operators to fine-tune it to their liking.Additionally, we’ve included some other useful shortcuts:
- Stop scrolling
- Full screen
- Jump to the previous script
- Jump to the next script
- Jump to the first script
- Jump to the last script
🐞 Bug fixes
Rundown bugs fixed
- Bug where certain template rundowns were automatically getting added to events when new events were created or events were duplicated.
- Bug where a default template was getting added to events even when no templates were selected
- Bug where teams with large amount of past events weren’t showing up in archived tab.
- Bug where an extra white page was being added to PDF exports
Plan management bugs fixed
- Incorrect renewal date showing (off by 1 day)
- Incorrectly showing wrong billing cycle manage plan modal for certain accounts.
🐞 Bug fixes
- ⚡️Activity feed:Fixed reported issues of inconsistent, slow, or out of order activity feed. The feed is now much faster, much more consistent, and displays edits in the correct order.
- Fixed an issue in Chrome where scrolling horizontally in the rundown could cause the page to refresh due to operating system gestures. This issue has been resolved, and users can now scroll horizontally without any interruptions or page refreshes.
- mobile ui improvements
- Other minor bugs to improve overall performance
Transcoding status added to Video uploads
When users upload a video file to Studio the system transcodes the file and optimizes it for the web and our streaming platform. This happens in the background automatically. Optimizing the file for playback on the web helps avoid hiccups caused by higher-resolution files meant to be played on larger screens. So, we have added a visual indicator to uploaded files so that our Hosts know when they can add that video to the stage and enjoy seamless playback.
Additionally, users are now allowed to retry the transcoding process if any errors occur. Which, is most often caused by errors in the files encoding or bad meta data.

Note: Our transcoding process will only downscale videos that are of higher resolution than 1080p. All others will maintain their original resolutions.
We have spent the last several months refining the virtual video mixer that runs all Studio instances. This is a fully behind-the-scenes improvement but stability in streams and recordings is significantly improved.
Improved security in Studio
We have added additional restrictions to users without Showcaller permissions. Read-only, Contributor, and Admin level users will continue to have access to the Director View but they will not be able to impact any of the live elements on Stage.
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